Ivory in colour, mousse-like in texture, and a fresh citrus flavour that develops notes of almonds as it ages.
Judged the eleventh best cheese in the world at the 2022 World Cheese Awards, and recipient of the Ann-Marie Dyas Award, sponsored by The Fine Cheese Co., for the World’s Best Artisan Cheese.

Creamy, and slightly crumbly in the core.
The recipe was discovered in an attic by cheesemaker Alan Gray. Spell his surname backwards to see how the cheese got its unusual name. Local, hand-picked nettles provide its beautiful, lace-like appearance.

Boozy aroma. Silky smooth texture. ‘Caramel’ flavour.
This cheese has quite the life, as its maturation involves a regular wash in a brine of red wine and herbs.

Smooth, milky and delicate.
This is a washed curd cheese, which means that a proportion of whey is substituted with water during the make. This enhances the smoothness of the texture and the gentle delicacy of the flavour.

Intense, aromatic. Notes of spice, ‘roast garlic’, and entrancing white truffles.
Not simply an excuse for truffling, this is crafted from organic Maremma ewes’ milk, and Stefania Calugia’s stunning Bianchetto truffles. An alluring and perfectly balanced taste of the Tuscan mountains around Roccalbegna.