Listen as The Fine Cheese Co. Suppliers Van Nahmen and White Lake Cheese Take to the Airwaves
From partners to suppliers, we’re proud of each and every company we work with. We love to shout about the unbelievable quality of these artisan businesses at every opportunity, but that’s us and we’d understand if you thought we might stray a little towards bias.
However, that’s why we feel our passion for these food makers and their products is justified when others show a similar level of excitement towards them, as has been the case recently with a couple of fascinating podcast interviews.
August was a great month for our suppliers, Van Nahmen and White Lake Cheese, as these artisan food producers became radio personalities in two very different podcasts that were broadcast on either side of the Atlantic Ocean.
We were exceptionally proud of Van Nahmen, when this producer of nectars and juices was interviewed by Markus Hippi on Monocle’s The Menu, an audio show that’s a guide to food, drink and entertaining.
At the nine minute 55 mark, you can listen to Monocle’s roving reporter being shown around Van Nahmen’s facility, where it makes single variety fruit juices from old regional assortments of fruit.
Peter Van Nahmen talks candidly about the growing interest in pairing non-alcoholic drinks with food and how he’s taking this a step further by applying vintages to his juices. He feels that each year has a constant aroma profile and it’s possible to taste the quality of the harvest.
Pete Humphries is hooked on cheese
We were ecstatic to learn that Raymond Hook Speciality, our US partner, interviewed Pete Humphries from White Lake Cheese at the recent Fancy Food Show in New York City for the inaugural episode of its Hooked on Cheese podcast.
In the Hooked on Cheese podcast, Pete discusses the taste of Driftwood, Tor, White Nancy and more. He talks about the made-by-hand process that goes into developing the taste of these cheeses, from ladling to milling.
All of us here at The Fine Cheese Co. are huge fans of Pete’s creations. So much so that we commissioned Motcomb, an unpasteurised goats’ milk pyramid, especially for the opening of The Fine Cheese Co. Belgravia.
We hope you enjoy these podcasts as much as we did. It’s great to hear how some of our favourite artisan food products came to be.