How to Prepare the Brie in your Cheese Wedding Cake

Brie de Meaux Dongé

Brie makes a wonderful addition to many cheese wedding cakes. Indeed, we use it in our five-tier Alice Cheese Wedding Cake, but how do you protect the cheese when it's on the base of a beautifully tiered cake?

We love Brie, especially our Brie de Meaux Dongé. It’s from the Ile de France outside Paris, and made by the Dongé family. This nine-times winner of the coveted Medaille D’Or is full-flavoured, with a Camembert-like fruitiness. It’s absolutely the real thing.

If you do choose to enjoy this great cheese, you’ll find it is too soft to take the pressure of the cheeses above. It needs support, so why not follow our instructions below for making the most of Brie de Meaux?

1. First place the metal cake support centrally on top of the Brie.

Cheese Wedding Cake Brie 1

2. Then press firmly down on the support so that it cuts into the cheese until the bottom of the support reaches your board or cake stand and the top sits almost flush with the surface of the Brie.

Cheese Wedding Cake Brie 2

3. Place the 8” cake board directly on top of the support.

Cheese Wedding Cake Brie 3

4. Then either place your next tier of cheese directly on top of this cake board or if using glass separators, arrange them on the board before placing the next tier of cheese on top.

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5. Later, once you have cut the cake and are ready to serve the cheese, disassemble your cake.

Take a sharp knife and run it around the edge of the metal support. As you are doing this, carefully lift the support out of the cheese.
You will need to do this slowly, easing the cheese away from the edges of the support as you go.

Once you have removed the support completely from the Brie, gently press down the edges of the cut circle. The cheese will happily come together again and you can cut wedges of Brie as normal.

Alice Cheese Wedding Cake Plate